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What are the stages of product development?

From the first whiteboarding session to its launch, every product has a life cycle.

When you understand your application's life cycle, you can better anticipate your application's future needs and how specific life cycle stages may impact its performance and structure.

Planning your project

The stages of product development

In this series of articles, we'll focus on the following stages of product development:

DevelopingThis stage involves designing and creating your product, including researching, prototyping, and testing.
LaunchingIn this stage, your product is introduced to the market and gets its first client.
ScalingIn this stage, the focus shifts towards expanding production capacity and optimizing processes to meet increasing demand.
MaintainingThis stage involves ongoing support, updates, and improvements to maintain the product's functionality, quality, and customer satisfaction.

The other stages of product development

This article is part of a series. We have a Learning Center article for each stage in the product life cycle:

Application monitoring for the whole life cycle

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