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FastAPI monitoring

Keep data flowing through your FastAPI application with AppSignal's Python APM. Gain valuable insights into your API's performance with AppSignal's FastAPI error and performance monitoring features.

Key FastAPI monitoring features

Error tracking

Quickly spot when, where, and how frequently errors occur in your FastAPI application. Learn more

Performance monitoring

Swiftly identify and optimize underperforming areas of your code. Learn more

Anomaly detection

Be the first to know about anomaly occurrences in FastAPI. Learn more

Metric dashboards

Create metric dashboards to visually enhance your FastAPI monitoring. Learn more

Monitor and optimize FastAPI performance

Simple performance samples

Understand FastAPI performance at a glance with AppSignal performance samples, helping you quickly identify bottlenecks.

Sample breakdown showing Request and Psycopg2 events.

Deep performance insights

AppSignal maps event-level FastAPI performance, helping you quickly spot issues like N+1 requests and underperformant functions.

Sample breakdown showing HTTP, Request and Psycopg2 events.

Real-time error tracking

AppSignal Error Tracking helps you spot and squash FastAPI bugs fast, before they impact performance, availability or end-users.

FastAPI error incident summary.

No fuss log management

Explore performance issues extensively with AppSignal Logging. Analyze, query, and track Python logs for deep contextual insights.

AppSignal Logging trail for FastAPI app.

Why monitor FastAPI?

AppSignal helps ensure your FastAPI application can handle requests gracefully and at scale. Gain powerful insights into your FastAPI application's performance beyond its codebase.

Maintain, build, and scale your FastAPI application using our error and performance monitoring tools.

AppSignal FastAPI monitoring helps you

Understand how performant FastAPI routes are.
Quickly find and resolve errors raised by your FastAPI application's code.
Ensure all of your FastAPI endpoints respond optimally to requests.
Enhance slow FastAPI models.
Use attributes to tag performance and error samples for easy filtering and fine-tuning insights.
Understand your application's behavior and confidently scale using handy tools like Time Detective.
Understand your FastAPI application's performance trends within the broader context of your application's stack.
Effortlessly debug FastAPI router exceptions.

Start monitoring your FastAPI application today

Ready to fine-tune your FastAPI application's performance with AppSignal? Simply sign up, install AppSignal, and follow our FastAPI documentation to get started!

Start your free trial

Don’t let the bad bugs bite. Try AppSignal for free.

AppSignal offers a 30-day free trial, no credit card is required. All features are available in all plans. Start monitoring your application in just a few clicks!